Computer problems

Hello once again. You might have noticed that there was no post yesterday. This was due to computer problems. My computer just spontaneously stopped working. I had no other computer to work from, so I couldn't make a blog entry. Yesterday was fun. It was the last day of Minecon and the staff was starting to give everything away. Thogh I didn't get anything (my typical luck). Even the lottery where about twenty or thirty people were picked. Though there were 5000 people there only at Minecon. Though I did buy a collectible "creeper vinyl" that only 500 of them had been made. There on the last day me and my friends I'd met there went to a modding presentation and got to hear some very famous mmodders talk about coding: landscape generator, spwan rate, mob coding e.t.c. I was having fun listening to the presentation though my friends didn't understand a word and dragged me out of the most interesting part. They dragged me all the way to a presentation on how to animate minecraft films. That's were I nearly fell asleep, so we left to go to the closing ceremony. My friends disappeared and I met dad and my mom's friend's son Trent. I quickly learned that he was scared of the camera and was generally shy. Together with my dad and Trent and his parents, we watched the closing ceremony and then me and dad went to go eat some food. I met my friends to go eat. Apparently Hector had been sitting in the front row and my other friend had missed the show. After I'd eaten we went to my second friend's room. His name is Zacharay. We had a pillow fight then we cleande up and I had to go to bed. Today we left early to get to the airport and I am sitting at a lounge at the airport waiting for the flight. The flight starts at 21:00 Swedish time or 9:00 PM U.S, Califonia, L.A. To sum it all up. I've been in Nevada, California and Arizona this week, I've been to the Hoover Dam, I've been to a casino, Death Valley and Minecon.

Postat av: Chris

Wow! it sounds like you had a great time, and picked up lots of new terms that you can bamboozle us with at school!

Was it the new Minecraft 1.00.00 that wrecked your computer? that would have been rather ironic!

Looking forward to having you back in school!

See you!

2011-11-21 @ 18:58:18
Postat av: Max Otterman

Hi Gabe,

added you to my blogs link list. Hope you will do the same. Fun blog!

Max Otterman of

2012-03-08 @ 18:19:55

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