Flight, Book store and Morning Jog

Hello once more! Yesterday me and my dad flew to the U.S.A! Time was a thing they had a lot of in the U.S and a scarce amount of in England. We flew from Sweden to London, England, and from there to Los Angeles! Later that day day me and my dad went to "Barnes and Nobel" and I got the book "Hitch Hikers Guide To The Galaxy" and "Bunny Suicides". A bit later we fell asleep. You might be wondering: Why stay in Los Angeles? Well, today we got up for a morning jog - something we won't be able to do in Las Vegas - and then went to Hollywood! I got to see the street of fame and tons of famous names in stars on the ground. After that we went and saw the text "Hollywood" on the mountain. After all this we went to the main event of the day, Universal Studios! We went there and got to see where and how people made all the films, We even passed by some people who were sooting a movie, so we were kindly asked to be quiet when we passed them. Also today I heard that my old daycare friend Hector is coming to MineCon too! Me and my dad will meet them tomorrow too! Now I'm at the hotel with some newly bought things and dad is out buying some things. Today I also learned the fully correct position of skydiving at Universal Studios and I got a diploma for it!

Postat av: Mom


2011-11-17 @ 06:53:22
Postat av: Aunt Anna

Wow! You guys are having a great time. The next best thing to being there myself is reading about you being there. Keep us updated!

2011-11-17 @ 08:56:27

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